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Agrani Bank Limited Warshi Branch Tangail

Find complete Branch details of Agrani Bank Limited Warshi Branch Tangail , with bangladeshbranches.com, bangladesh’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact the branch directly at 01713253634, 01713253634, or can visit the branch which is located at Warshi Mirzapur Tangail .

Agrani Bank Limited Warshi Branch Tangail Contact Details

Branch Name: Warshi Branch Tangail
Branch Code:6346
Phone Numbers:01713253634, 01713253634
Address: Warshi Mirzapur Tangail
Contact Person Name:Email: br6346@bangla.net
Company:Agrani Bank Limited
Offical Website URL:agranibank.org

Know more about Agrani Bank Limited

Agrani Bank Limited is a government-owned commercial bank in Bangladesh. It was established in 1972. The bank offers various banking products and services, including deposits, loans, remittances, foreign exchange, and online banking.

Agrani Bank Limited operates through a network of branches and ATMs throughout Bangladesh. It has a strong presence in rural areas and provides banking services to both urban and rural customers. The bank also has correspondent banking relationships with international banks, allowing it to facilitate international trade and commerce.

As a government-owned bank, Agrani Bank Limited plays a significant role in promoting economic development in Bangladesh. It provides credit and financial services to various sectors, including agriculture, industry, and small and medium enterprises. The bank also contributes to poverty reduction initiatives and supports the government's efforts to achieve inclusive growth.

Agrani Bank Limited has been recognized for its contribution to the banking industry in Bangladesh. It has received several awards, including the National Productivity and Quality Excellence Award, Bangladesh Bank Remittance Award, and Best Bank Award for Financing Renewable Energy. The bank has also implemented modern technology and digital banking solutions to enhance customer service and improve operational efficiency.

Overall, Agrani Bank Limited is a trusted and reliable financial institution in Bangladesh, serving the banking needs of individuals and businesses across the country.

More Branches of Agrani Bank Limited

Baliaghata Branch Rajshahi

Address: Shoyebur Rahman Market 1st Floor Dyingpara Godagari Rajshahi

Contact Number: 01713253155, 01713253155, 0247856263

Raighati Branch Rajshahi

Address: Keshorehat Bazar Keshorehat Mohonpur Rajshahi

Contact Number: 01713253471, 01713253471

Pirgachha Branch Rangpur

Address: Market Pirgachha Rangpur

Contact Number: 01713253399, 05226-56006

Barhamganj Branch Madaripur

Address: Main Road Shibchar Barhamganj Madaripur

Contact Number: 01713253389, 06624- 56104

Kalibari Road Branch Sirajganj

Address: Kalibari Road Sirajganj

Contact Number: 01713253212, 02588-830657

Icddrb Branch Dhaka

Address: Mohakhali Gulshan Dhaka

Contact Number: 01713253860, 02-222280652

Bahaddar Hat Busterm Branch Chattogram

Address: Hoque Market Bahadderhat Chattogram

Contact Number: 01713253952, 02334450626

Shibganj Branch Sylhet

Address: Shibgonj Sylhet

Contact Number: 01713253191, 02996641464

Kashipur Bazar Old Bukhainagar Branch Barishal

Address: Kashipur Bazar Barishal

Contact Number: 01713253416, 01713253416,043162815

New Market Branch Dhaka

Address: 28 Mirpur Road Golden Gate Dhaka

Contact Number: 01713253252, 223368587

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