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Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL Anowara Branch Chattogram

Find complete Branch details of Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL Anowara Branch Chattogram, with bangladeshbranches.com, bangladesh’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact the branch directly at 01841226659, 0302956298, 0302956297, or can visit the branch which is located at Chowmohani Cufl Road Anowara Chattogram.

Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL Anowara Branch Chattogram Contact Details

Branch Name:Anowara Branch Chattogram
Branch Code:Routing No : 15150837
Phone Numbers:01841226659, 0302956298, 0302956297
Address:Chowmohani Cufl Road Anowara Chattogram
Company:Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL
Offical Website URL:aibl.com.bd

Know more about Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL

Al Arafah Islami Bank is a financial institution based in Bangladesh. It was established in 1995 as a private commercial bank with the objective of conducting Islamic banking activities. The bank follows the principles of Shariah in all its operations and offers a wide range of banking products and services to its customers.

Some of the services provided by Al Arafah Islami Bank include deposit accounts, investment schemes, trade financing, foreign remittance, treasury operations, and electronic banking facilities. The bank also offers various types of loans, including personal loans, SME loans, and agricultural loans.

Al Arafah Islami Bank has a network of branches throughout Bangladesh, allowing customers to access banking services conveniently. It also has correspondent relationships with several international banks, facilitating global transactions for its customers.

The bank is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of experienced professionals from various fields. It has a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and actively participates in community development initiatives.

Overall, Al Arafah Islami Bank aims to provide innovative and reliable banking solutions to its customers while maintaining the principles of Islamic banking.

More Branches of Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL

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Contact Number: 01847114428, 01796399377

Bashabo Branch Chattogram

Address: Bhatiary Station Sitakunda Chattogram

Contact Number: 01819373762, 01877185532

Maijdee Court Branch Noakhali

Address: Id Bhaban 1st & 2nd Floor Holding No 1453 Maijdee Court 3800 Po Shudaram Upazilla Sadar Noakhali

Contact Number: 01818605682

Dhanmondi Branch Ad Dhaka

Address: S A Tower House 54/1 Road 4 A Satmasjid Road Dhanmondi Dhaka

Contact Number: 9612445, : 58610913, 01819557840

Magura Branch

Address: S.m Plaza 1st Floor 177 College Road Magura

Contact Number: 01915612897, 048851170, 048851070

Jhalokati Branch

Address: 68 Monohari Patti Sadar Jhalokati

Contact Number: 0498-62807-8, 01754015565

Banglamotor Branch Dhaka

Address: Rupayan Trade Center Holding No#114 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue Ramna Dhaka

Contact Number: 01914292197, 48310989

Kathgora Bazar Branch Dhaka

Address: Sarker Plaza Dewan Idris Road Kathgora Bazar Zirabo Ashulia Dhaka

Contact Number: 02-7792573-4, 01817112883, 01784181877

Kolatia Sme Branch Dhaka

Address: Kabir Plaza Samserpur Kolatia Bazar Keranigonj Dhaka

Contact Number: 01760938299, 01819677740

Dhaniarpol Sub Branch Chattogram

Address: Noor Bitan Holding 1883/2750 Ward No 17 Corporation Thana Chawkbazar Chattogram

Contact Number:

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