Find complete Branch details of Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL Madhabpur Sme Branch Habiganj, with, bangladesh’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact the branch directly at 0832-756352-3, 019-26697968, or can visit the branch which is located at 265-349 Madhabpur Bazar Habiganj.
Branch Name: | Madhabpur Sme Branch Habiganj |
Branch Code: | Routing No : 015360898 |
Phone Numbers: | 0832-756352-3, 019-26697968 |
Address: | 265-349 Madhabpur Bazar Habiganj |
Company: | Al Arafah Islami Bank - AIBL |
Category: | Banks |
Services: | Banking |
Offical Website URL: | |
City: | Habiganj |
Al Arafah Islami Bank is a financial institution based in Bangladesh. It was established in 1995 as a private commercial bank with the objective of conducting Islamic banking activities. The bank follows the principles of Shariah in all its operations and offers a wide range of banking products and services to its customers.
Some of the services provided by Al Arafah Islami Bank include deposit accounts, investment schemes, trade financing, foreign remittance, treasury operations, and electronic banking facilities. The bank also offers various types of loans, including personal loans, SME loans, and agricultural loans.
Al Arafah Islami Bank has a network of branches throughout Bangladesh, allowing customers to access banking services conveniently. It also has correspondent relationships with several international banks, facilitating global transactions for its customers.
The bank is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of experienced professionals from various fields. It has a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and actively participates in community development initiatives.
Overall, Al Arafah Islami Bank aims to provide innovative and reliable banking solutions to its customers while maintaining the principles of Islamic banking.
Address: Haridia Shopping Complex Kadamtali Keranigonj Dhaka
Contact Number: 7763100,7763099, 01715114809, 01921365507
Address: Ruhitpur Bazar Karanigonj Dhaka
Contact Number: 02-7766882, 02-7766883, 01811418222
Address: Ma Complex 1st Floor Gouripur Bazar Daudkandi Cumilla
Contact Number: 01811418206, 01816885402
Address: Holding # 825 South Beani Bazar Sylhet
Contact Number: 01713409987, 0822356114
Address: Molla Tower-2 Hotel Royal Blue 1st Floor Shahid Alaul Islam Khokon Sarak Vj School Road Chuadanga
Contact Number: 01911664695, 01777915252, 076181146
Address: 857 858 Hazipur Feni Road Chowmohoni Noakhali
Contact Number: 02334494000, 01904417040
Address: A B M Fazle Karim Chowdhury Auditorium Gohira Degree College Gohira Raozan Chattogram
Contact Number: 01817723189, 01847310192
Address: M R Foundation Bhaban Holding No 583 Kalaroa Satkhira
Contact Number: 01718383840
Address: Al Amin Bazar Sreenagar Munshiganj
Contact Number:
Address: Chuknagar Bazar Road Dumuria Khulna
Contact Number: 01720003757
Branch Name | Contact Number |
City Bank Volarjum Bazar Agent Habiganj | |
IFIC Bank PLC Asampara Bazar Uposhakha Branch Habiganj | 09666716250, Ext-321649 |
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United Commercial Bank (UCB) Madhabpur Branch Habiganj | |
Union Bank Limited Bahubal Branch Habiganj | 9666330033 |
Pubali Bank Limited Pran Rfl ATM Habiganj | |
Mutual Trust Bank Limited Lubnan Richman Pos Merchant Habiganj | |
IFIC Bank PLC Montola Bazar Uposhakha Branch Habiganj | 09666716250, Ext-324242 |
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Madna Branch Habiganj | 01730708436 |
Sonali Bank PLC Azmirigonj Branch Habiganj | 08322-56014, 01709-656433 |