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Bangladesh Krishi Bank Madhabpur Branch Habiganj

Find complete Branch details of Bangladesh Krishi Bank Madhabpur Branch Habiganj, with bangladeshbranches.com, bangladesh’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact the branch directly at 01730708435, or can visit the branch which is located at Madhabpur Habiganj.

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Madhabpur Branch Habiganj Contact Details

Branch Name:Madhabpur Branch Habiganj
Branch Code:3902
Phone Numbers: 01730708435
Address:Madhabpur Habiganj
Contact Person Name:Email: mgrmadhabpur@krishibank.org.bd
Company:Bangladesh Krishi Bank
Offical Website URL:krishibank.org

Know more about Bangladesh Krishi Bank

Bangladesh Krishi Bank is a government-owned specialized bank in Bangladesh. It was established in 1973 with the aim of providing financial services and support to the agricultural sector in the country. The bank is responsible for providing financial assistance, loans, and other banking services to farmers, agricultural businesses, and rural communities.

Bangladesh Krishi Bank operates through a network of branches across Bangladesh, with a focus on reaching rural areas and promoting agricultural development. The bank offers various loan products tailored to the needs of farmers, including agricultural production loans, crop loans, and livestock loans.

In addition to agricultural loans, Bangladesh Krishi Bank also offers general banking services such as savings accounts, fixed deposits, remittance services, and trade finance facilities. The bank aims to contribute to the overall development of the agricultural sector in Bangladesh and improve the livelihoods of rural communities.

As a government-owned bank, Bangladesh Krishi Bank operates under the supervision and guidance of the Ministry of Finance and the Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh. It plays a crucial role in supporting the government's efforts to promote agricultural growth and alleviate poverty in the country.

More Branches of Bangladesh Krishi Bank

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Hajiganj Branch Faridpur

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Contact Number: 01730708353

Nandina Branch Jamalpur

Address: Nandina Jamalpur

Contact Number: 01730708466

Tongi Branch Gazipur

Address: Monnunagar Thana Tongi Gazipur

Contact Number: 029811265, 01730708397

Char Fashion Branch Bhola

Address: Charfashion Bhola

Contact Number: 04923-74001,01730708115

Sholla Bazar Branch Dhaka

Address: Sholla Bazar Dhaka

Contact Number: 01730738337

Kalkini Branch Madaripur

Address: Kalkini Madaripur

Contact Number: 06622-56105, 01715530249

Muladi Branch Barishal

Address: Khan Bhaban Madda Bazar Muladi Barishal

Contact Number: 01713254077, 01713254077

Dogri Bazar Branch Shariatpur

Address: 176/1 Dogree Bazar Shariatpur

Contact Number: 01730708887

Kaptai Branch Rangamati

Address: Kaptai Rangamati

Contact Number: 03529-56314, 01556513434

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Bangladesh Krishi Bank Kakilcheo Branch Habiganj01730708430
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Nabiganj Branch Habiganj 01730708439, 02996607409
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Pubali Bank Limited Noapara Bazar Sub Branch Habiganj01958284530, 01958382431
Sonali Bank PLC Nabigonj Branch Habiganj 88-08328-56027, 01755-583919