Home Local Directory Schools Colleges and Universities in Bangladesh
Branch Name | Phone Number | |
University of Dhaka | 09666-911463 | |
University of Dhaka | 09666-911463 | |
University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka | 01760-620689 | |
University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) Dhaka | 01844-043870 | |
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh Campus B | 02-9661255 | |
University of Scholars Dhaka | 01629-444666 | |
University Of Science and Technology Chattogram | ||
University of South Asia Dhaka | 01686-265125 | |
University Of South Wales Regional Office Dhaka | 01745-773792 | |
Urban Preparatory School Dhaka | 01715-457793 | |
Ustc Biochemistry Biotechnology Pharmacy Engineering Bba Campus Chattogram | 01827-271946 | |
Uts College Bangladesh | 01841-565448 | |
Uttar Kattali Alhaj Mostafa Hakim Degree College Chattogram | ||
Uttara Anwara Model University College Dhaka | 01731-822596 | |
Uttara High School and College Dhaka | ||